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Python Crash Course

A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming

Two printed copies of the book, 'Python Crash Course 2e', lying on a surface
Two printed copies of the book, 'Python Crash Course 2e', lying on a surface

This is a tutoring curriculum for learning Python using Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition, an introductory programming book from No Starch Press by Eric Matthes.

Get Started

If you are a student following this curriculum for the first time, please jump to the setup instructions below below.


Exercises ✍🏽

The book has several sections that reinforce learning through exercises. Practice what you just read where you see: 'Try It Yourself' in Adobe Dogma typeface

Links to the Try It Yourself Exercises


After you have tried the exercises yourself, you can check the author’s implementations to compare. The author’s solutions to the homework may be found here.

Setup Instructions

Here you can find instructions for:

Downloading source code

Students will be assigned chapters from this book using GitHub classroom. GitHub classroom logo is a graphic of the GitHub logo imposed on a chalkboard

If you are not a student, a direct way to get these online resources is to download as a ZIP file.

Download ZIP

Click on the button, which will download the source code files (and other resources) for the entire book.

A more flexible way is to fork this repository and clone it to your local computer using git.

Cheat Sheets

Cheat sheets can be really helpful when you’re working on a set of programming exercises or a project. This set of cheat sheets will help remind you of the concepts you’re learning, as well as the Python syntax for these concepts.


Some of the PyPI libraries featured in the book have been updated recently, which is a good thing — it means that the Python packages you’re learning to use are being steadily improved.

When packages are updated you have the option of using the version that was featured in the book, which lets you run code exactly as it’s written in the book. You can also choose to install the latest version of each package, and modify the code in the book slightly. Each approach is outlined clearly in these updates.

A list of updates is kept here.


If you have any questions about Python Crash Course, please join the Discord server , contact Mavaddat, or get in touch with the book’s author, 📧 .

Twitter logo @ehmatthes the author's Twitter profile image

Table of contents